1. who made this massage?
seagram's vodka.
2. Why was this made?
to get people to buy there cheese or alcohol.
3. Who is the target audience (and how do you know)?
everyone in the world that can buy it.
4. who paid for this?
the company that made the cheese and alcohol.
5. who might benefit from this message?
the company that makes the cheese and alcohol.
6. who might be harmed by it?
the people that eat to much of the cheese and the people that drink the alcohol.
7. why might this message matter to me?
it could be some good cheese i might want to try it but i would not try the alcohol.
8.what kinds of actions might i take in response to this message?
there are two response to this go and buy it or just sit there and do nothing.
9. what is this about(and what makes you think that)?
the alcohol mostly to get people that are drunk to try it.
10. what ideas, values, information, and/or points of view are overt? implied?
that if u drink their alcohol u will see a bear and cheese fight with each other.
11.what is left out of this message that might be important to know?
that it is alcohol and u have to be 21 and were to get it.
12. what techniques are used?
humor,nature, fun.
13 why were those techniques used?
to try to get the watcher that they do.
14. how were they communicate the message?
by showing the alcohol at the end.
15. how might different people understand this message differently?
the way they look at the commercial.
16. what is my interpretation of this and what do i learn about myself from my reaction or interpretation.
the reaction of this was a bet fun but it got my attention by the way it was.
17.when was this made?
18. where or how was it shared with the public?
by internet and by TV.
19. is this fact, opinion, or something else?
something else
20. how credible is this (and what makes you think that)?
no because it is just a bear and a piece of cheese fighting.
21. what are the sources of the information, ideas,or assertions?
the commercial and the company of the alcohol.